The “Legalize Love” campaign debuted from Poland and Singapore and will slowly cover the rest of the cities around the world. This is not the first time Google is focusing on the LGBT issues. Earlier in 2008, they have made an opposing statement for the California amendment to ban same sex marriages. Last time, the outcry was only to safeguard the interest of Google employees but this time they have taken it to another level with the same proposition, to make their employees comfortable in working with Google in any of their hundreds of offices spread across the world. According to Mark Palmer (an eminent Google employee), Also, according to him Singapore was chosen for the initial roll out as,

Google’s campaign makes logical sense, they will strengthen their brand image for the new world and traditionalist cannot object them because they have to anyhow use their products in everyday life. For the fact that Google has become integral part of life of everyone, the company could take this to advantage for promoting open beliefs and fundamental rights. Although another point could be that just because of Gayglers the company is supporting this idea. However, Google is not alone here. Apple is pro-gay Bill Gates recently donated 100k to support gay marriages. The corporate world, by and large, is now favorable toward gay rights because at the end of the day everyone wants profits. Profits which in turn get generated by talented employees where sexual orientation has fewer roles to play.

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