The ‘Delete for Everyone’ feature has earlier been spotted on the beta version of WhatsApp for Windows Phone. WhatsApp has been testing the feature since then and now it seems to be in final testing as the company has enabled its servers. WABetaInfo has tweeted about the feature is being tested.

— WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) September 12, 2017 After a recent update, WhatsApp now supports all file types. So, apart from texts, users will be able to recall images, videos, GIFs, documents, quoted messages etc. Moreover, they can even recall their status replies within a five-minute window. Notably, the recalled messages will also disappear from the notification centre. The recalled or deleted message will be shown as, “This message was deleted.” The Delete for Everyone feature is currently being tested on both Android and iOS platforms. So, it will be soon activated for everyone. It is to be noted only messages that are unread by the receiver can be recalled. WhatsApp is bringing this feature a bit late, as other messaging apps like Snapchat and Telegram already had support for this recall feature. Currently, it is not clear, when WhatsApp will roll out this feature for all users. WABetaInfo earlier revealed that the feature will be enabled in the 2.17.30+ version of the app. Earlier this month, WhatsApp announced that it had been testing new tools through a closed pilot program that will allow WhatsApp users to communicate with the businesses. And the businesses will get verified account on WhatsApp. WhatsApp, which has crossed 1 billion daily active user base earlier is planning to monetize with this new feature.