Twitter recently got updated with a new feature called voice tweets which lets you post tweets in audio format. Twitter finally realized 280 characters are not enough for your thoughts on Twitter and released the audio tweet feature. This feature is not available to everyone yet, Twitter released this feature to iOS for now. The Voice tweet feature lets you post a 2 minute and 20-second audio at a time. If the audio exceeds this limit then Twitter will automatically devise it into threaded tweets. You can stack up to 25 voice tweets so you can post longer audio tweets. Once the testing will be over, this feature will be available to everyone. For now, if you got this feature on your iPhone there here is a small step by step guide to tell you how you can post Voice Tweet.

— abhishekbhatnagar.eth (@abhishek) June 17, 2020

Steps to Post Voice Tweet on Twitter

Wrapping up

The Voice Tweet is a really nice feature on Twitter for all those who cannot put all their thoughts in 140 characters. Twitter should get over wit the testing phase and release this feature for all devices. Also, read Trick To Enable and Use Fleets On Twitter